Website Maintenance Services

Website functionality is an organic process. Everything in the digital environment is always in motion and changing at a dizzying rate. Website upkeep is essential for ensuring optimal functionality. Maintaining a website’s vitality and financial viability requires regular updates to the content, the items offered on the site, and other adjustments depending on data collected from the site’s users.

Hire Website Maintenance Experts

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When it comes to business, Kleoseo is not a fan of the cookie-cutter approach. Our website routine maintenance is tailor-made to fit your company’s specific requirements. Keeping your website up and running efficiently and affordably is a top priority for our team, which is why we work directly with each customer to develop a maintenance plan tailored to their specific needs.


A Checklist for Website Upkeep Services

Intense Website Monitoring Available At All Times

Continuous monitoring of the service's availability is part of the service. In the event that your site goes down, our staff will be alerted immediately.

Website Health Check

We will execute a number of tests to ensure that your website is in good working order. This includes verifying that your SSL certificate is being loaded on every page

Keeping Your Website Up-to-Date

Hackers love using outdated versions of extensions and website engines. The software powering your website must always be up-to-date.

Ensuring Browser Compatibility

It's not hard to lose track of the many web browsers people use. The presentation of your website will be flawless in any browser used by the user.

Getting Rid of 404's

We'll check that all of your links, both internal and external, go where they should. Among the most frustrating things that may happen to a website visitor is a broken link.

Weekly Website Backups

If you back up your site regularly, you may easily restore a working duplicate of your site in the event that pages are deleted or functionality stops working.

Observation of Operational Efficacy
Observation of Operational Efficacy

Your website will always be running at peak efficiency thanks to our comprehensive maintenance checklist.

Data Storage and Restore
Data Storage and Restore

Our upkeep plan is useful since it allows you to make changes and additions to the site whenever they are required.

Corrections and Improvements
Corrections and Improvements

We provide regular maintenance checks and enhancements to your site to ensure that it is free of bugs.

Verification of Operation
Verification of Operation

All forms and enquiry emails are tested to ensure they are being received and are functioning correctly.

Back-Up Tech
Back-Up Tech

Through our automated issue tracking system, our technical support staff will provide you with regular updates.

Secure against Hackers and Viruses
Secure against Hackers and Viruses

Our security measures protect you from malicious software, hackers, and other online dangers.

Enterprise Solutions

Elevating enterprise experience by developing innovative and impactful solutions for web, mobile and internet with rich user experience.

Startup Solutions

We help startups of all sizes, irrespective of their stages – to nurture, build and grow their amazing ideas on mobile and web.

Request a quote

To avoid the collapse of your company, invest in website upkeep right now.

Emilia Clarke
"I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment."
Emilia Clarke
Emilia Clarke
"I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment."
Emilia Clarke
Emilia Clarke
"I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment."
Emilia Clarke